Here's one dispute that won't be solved by a swift blow to the solar plexus.
Steven Seagal is being sued by 23-year-old Kayden Nguyen, an ex-employee/wannabe model who alleges she was hired to be an assistant to the action star but later told she would be expected to be on call for sex. Seagal's lawyer has rejected these claims.
You can read all our stories about the case right here, but what else is out there about Seagal and Nguyen? From Lawman to Tyra, here's what you need to know...
• More surprising than the fact that the show called Steven Seagal: Lawman has been shut down? The fact that the series is real and does gangbuster ratings.
• Though an ass-kicker on film, Seagal is a Buddhist who has supported a variety of charitable causes, including Save a Million Lives to provide AIDS relief in Africa.
• Besides being an action star, musician and martial arts expert, Seagal created an energy drink called Lightning Bolt, which comes in flavors Cherry Charge and Asian Experience. Seagal even appeared in an advertisement with two bikini-clad young women who appear to be his employees and who share hugs and kisses with the star. (Also found on Seagal's website: Some allege that the drink will turn you into a stone-cold killer.)
• Accuser Nguyen appeared on a 2009 episode of Tyra Banks' show, as a self-described "lipstick lesbian" who can "use my sex appeal to get any girl that I want and trick any guy to getting what I want." She also says, "Guys will hit on me." She's also chosen "Queen" in a roundtable vote, but we're pretty sure it's not legally binding. (And yes, some of her nude modeling pics are in the wild.)
• Like Seagal's film characters, both legal teams know how to talk tough. Seagal's lawyer, Martin Singer, has called Nguyen's allegations "nothing more than a preemptive strike by a disgruntled ex-employee," claiming the case should be settled through arbitration because Nguyen signed a contract. But her attorney retorts, "Please tell Steven Seagal two things. First, the cheap-shot threats that might have intimidated other victims and their lawyers don't phase me. Save your ink. Second, Nguyen's claims are not going away. Five other victims called me yesterday."
Something tells us that this dispute will be hard to kill. (What, too much?)